El Monte - Rosemead Adult School

El Monte - Rosemead Adult School

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Monday, January 8, 2024

Welcome Back!

 Welcome back to the new semester of Spring 2024!

Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed a restful vacation.
If one of your goals is to master the English language, you are in the right place.
This semester I wish everyone success in your endeavors. I am sure we will have a lot of fun together, and you will remember our class as an enjoyable experience. At the same time be prepared for the new challenges and hard work.

Good luck!

Do not forget about School-wide Learning Outcomes (SLO's):

  • Effective Communicators
  • Lifelong Learners
  • Problem Solvers

I also would like to mention that besides the textbook, you will need 2 (two) notebooks: one - for everyday activities (exercises, grammar, notes, etc), and another separate notebook - for vocabulary only. In this other notebook you will write the new words that you will need to memorize.

For example,

New word
Part of speech







Piece of clothing (prenda de vestir() 衣服外表衣裝 

Bring (traer)
() 拿来......去拿...售得卖得取物绕道而行取回猎物 

I'll see you in class!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Congratulations, ESL Program Graduates!


Dear Level 6 Graduates!

Congratulations on successful completion of the ESL Program!

I appreciate your tenacity and inquisitiveness. Our discussions about various subjects often were the highlights of my day.

I am very confident that whatever path you choose after finishing the ESL program will be a very successful one.

Also, check your final scores: https://rosemead-center.blogspot.com/p/level-6-scores-fall-2022.html

If you liked the video, you can find it here:


If you would like to share the pictures with me and each other, here is the link to my Google Drive:
